jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009

The alimoche, guirre or Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus) is a bird of the family of the accipítridos, (as other vultures), of that he is the representative with minor importance (on 150 cm). The young men are dun, whereas the adults (from 5 years of age) are characterized by his(her,your) head and yellow legs, white body, white wings with gray and black ends and white and broad tail. They measure 85 centimeters of the top of the beak(peak) to that of the tail, having an importance of 1,7 meters and an average weight of two kilos or little more. The alimoches fly normally in solitarily, though sometimes they follow(continue) other congéneres or even to vultures of other species(kinds) and ravens. They live(inhabit) in the Iberian Peninsula, Africa and the suroste of Asia up to the India.

1 comentario:

  1. Hola Mª Isabel,

    Soy Ivone de http://www.abaenglish.com y quiero hacerte una propuesta para unirte a nuestro programa de afiliados. ¿Puedes facilitarme una dirección de mail a la cual te pueda escribir?

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